Jason Chong 張兆昇師傅
Assistant Martial Arts, Dragon
& Lion Dance Instructor
As the Hon Hsing Athletic Club of Vancouver’s second most senior student and assistant instructor in martial arts and dragon & lion dance, Jason Chong has dedicated the past 10 years in service to the club and to the local Chinese community.
Jason ‘s first exposure to martial arts and to Chinese lion dance was in Malaysia at the age of four where he instantly fell in love with the physical challenges involved with kung fu and the skill intricacies of lion dance. In 2006 when the opportunity came up to join Hon Hsing where he could fulfill both passions, Jason was excited beyond words to attend his first class. Ever since that first day, Jason has continuously committed himself to the club’s weekly martial arts and lion dance classes and where his interest in Chinese culture and tradition has flourished. Much like his older brother Ivan, Jason has come to regard his club brothers and sisters as his second family.
During club practices and from the point of friendly sibling rivalry, Jason always works hard towards the aim of becoming the club’s top student and exceeding his brother’s skill level. Jason always seeks improvement within himself and finds innovative approaches towards Chinese dragon and lion dance while also maintaining traditional aspects of these ancient art forms. Always one to push boundaries, Jason absolutely loves the thrill of performing before an audience and has applied this passion towards Hon Hsing’s many charitable activities. This passion for excellence at Hon Hsing has also contributed towards Jason’s academic life. In 2015, Jason graduated from Windermere Secondary with top honours and received one of the school’s highest awards – “Windermere’s All around Top Student”. Seeing Hon Hsing’s community compassion and his Dai Si-Hing always willing to help others, was also Jason’s inspiration to create a unique highschool program called WRAK, short for “Windermere Random Acts of Kindness” as a challenge to the student body for them to do one random act of kindness per day. Jason’s philosophy was simple. If everyone just did one random act of kindness every day, then this world would be a much kinder place to live. Jason’s actions were applauded by the Vancouver School Board where he and his WRAK team received much media coverage.
In December, 2011, Hon Hsing’s Board of Directors officially recognized Jason’s dedication and to his advanced skill level by awarding him with the club’s personal embroidered “Master’s Black Sash” which is reserved solely for Hon Hsing’s top students and with the right to be referred to as ‘Si-Hing’ (師兄) or 'elder brother' by the club’s junior students.
Jason has literally participated in hundreds of club functions and does not plan to stop! As one of Hon Hsing’s official Assistant Martial Arts and Lion Dance Instructors, Jason takes his role very seriously. He thoroughly enjoys watching the skill development of the younger students and assists where he can to bring out each student’s full potential. Jason has also attained a degree in Commerce at the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia.
On March 5th, 2017 in a solemn ceremony held during the club's Spring Festival celebration and witnessed by all of our members, family and friends, Jason Chong was promoted to: "Hon Hsing's Black Sash with Pure Golden Dragon, 漢升體育會黑色同清金龍腰帶 (最高級 1st level) - the highest attainable level for a student of Hon Hsing.